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Auto Air Colors - Wicked Colors Merger

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin explains the new 2021 Wicked Colors line, which now includes all Pearlescent, Metallic and Pearl Flake colors from the Auto Air Colors line as well as a brand new series of Wicked Opaque Colors.

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Candy Color Theory - Black Cherry

with Craig Fraser EN

Craig Fraser demonstrates how-to mix a Black Cherry candy color, both a red-shade and a blue-shade version using Createx's candy2o.

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How To Make a Candy – Pearl Mango

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin shows how to mix a Candy – Pearl Black Cherry using Createx candy2o Brandywine & Deep Purple and Cosmic sparkle Red & Blue.
This color is inspired by Craig Fraser’s Candy Color Theory – Black Cherry video,
Candy Math: 4050 UVLS Gloss Clear 6 :1 with a candy-pearl mix of: (candy2o 4665 Brandywine 2:1 4659 Deep Purple) 3:1 (Cosmic Sparkle 4522 Red 1:1 4524 Blue).

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How To Make a Candy – Pearl Mango

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin shows how to mix a candy – pearl Mango with Createx candy2o and how application of differing base colors changes the light and dark values of the Mango color.

Candy Math: 4050 UVLS GLoss Clear mixed 6:1 with a candy-pearl mix of: (candy2o 4653 Lemon Yellow 2:1 4593 Sparklescent Sun Gold) 1:1 4506 Hot Rod Sparkle Red.

The finished color references at the end are first show over Sealer Yellow, then Sealer Yellow mixed 1:1 Sealer Orange, then lastly Sealer Orange.

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How To Mix and Apply a Metallic Gold Base-Coat

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin demonstrates the benefits of applying a Metallic Gold over a color-keyed sealer made by mixing AutoBorne Sealer Yellow & Tan.

Ground-Coat: AutoBorne Sealer 6004 Yellow 1:1 6011 Tan.

Metallic Gold: Wicked W350 Gold (same as 4333 Metallic Gold), mixed 4:1 4030 Balancing Clear.

* Both Ground-Coat and Metallic Gold thinned 10% per vol. with 4011 Reducer

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How To Mix and Apply a Silver Base-Coat

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin demonstrates the benefits of applying a silver or aluminum color over AutoBorne Silver Sealer.

Ground-Coat: AutoBorne 6013 Silver Sealer

Silver: Wicked Aluminum (same as 4102 aluminum Medium), mixed 4:1 4030 Balancing Clear.

* Both Ground coat and Silver thinned 10% per vol. with 4011 Reducer

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How To Mix a Candy Pearl Teal Mid-Coat Color

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin shows how to mix Createx candy2o Tealiscous with Cosmic sparkle pearl-flakes to create a dynamic candy-pearl mid-coat for application over a metallic base color.

Candy Math: (4050 UVLS Gloss clear 6:1 4666 Tealiscous) mixed 1:1 (Cosmic 452 Gold 1: 4542 Cosmic Blue :1 4525 Cosmic Green)

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How To Mix a Candy Pearl Base Coat

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin shows how-to mix a candy-pearl base-coat color using Createx candy2o dirt Track Brown, Wicked Gold and Cosmic Sparkle Gold.

Candy Math: (4050 UVLS Gloss Clear 1:1 4662 Dirt Track Brown) mixed 1:1 (Wicked W350 Gold 1:1 4521 Cosmic Sparkle Gold)..

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How To Thin Createx Airbrush Colors

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin demonstrates the benefits of thinning Createx airbrush paints with 4011 Reducer and 4030 Balancing Clear.

Verarbeitung Candy Vs. Candy Apple Colors

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How To Paint Candy Vs. Candy Apple Colors

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin shows the difference between Candy Green / Candy Apple Green

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How To Make Gunship Gray

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin show how-to make a Harley-Davidson-like Gunship Gray using Createx 4102 Aluminum Medium & 4103 Aluminum Coarse mixed with a transparent grey, made by mixing either Auto Air or Wicked Colors white and black.

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How To Make a Rose Gold Billet Metallic Color

with Chris Arpin EN

Chris Arpin shows how easy Createx Quicksilver mixes with Metallic Bronze for a rose gold billet color

The color was made by mixing 4104 quicksilver 3:1 4334 Metallic Bronze.
No reducer was added before spraying with a 0.6mm tip-size Iwata TH2

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UVLS Clears

Introduction Video EN

Createx UVLS Clears are multifunctional water-based, acrylic – aliphatic polyurethane clears with 3 functions:

1) architectural-grade clear for use as top-coat over any Createx paint for indoor & outdoor paintjobs,

2) adhesive primer direct to metal, plastic, wood and more, and

3) carrier for candy₂O.

UVLS Clears are compatible with all Createx paints and other paint systems.

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candy₂O Pearl Colors

with Chris Arpin EN

Take a look over Chris Arpin’s shoulder how to achieve amazing effects with candy₂O and the 4300 Pearlescent Colors of the Aut Air Colors range.

Starting with the correct priming, to possibilities of mixing with the 4030 Mix Additive, to amazing candy/pearl effects, every step is well explained and demonstrated on different surfaces

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AutoBorne Sealer

with Steve Vandemon EN

Learn the basics to successfully spraying Createx Colors’ AutoBorne Sealers with Vandemon.

This video covers spray-gun set-up, paint reduction and demonstrates how each coat builds to an even, uniform ground-coat to start from.

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How-To Reduce candy2o – Pearl Colors

with Craig Fraser EN

Craig Fraser shows how to make and reduce candy base-coat colors with candy2o, Auto Air 4300 Series Pearlescent & Metallic Colors and 4012 high Performance Reducer & 4030 Balancing Clear.

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Wicked W357 Quicksilver & W358 Gold Chrome

with Steve Vandeman EN

Steve Vandeman shows the application of 4104 Quicksilver and 4105 Gold Plating over a white and a black base. 4104 Quicksilver and 4105 Gold Plating are now W357 Quicksilver and W358 Gold Chrome.

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Wicked Colors Flesh Tones

with Steve Driscoll EN

Steve Driscoll stops by to teach about the Createx Wicked Colors. He explains the use of his Flesh Tone set and how to utilize and manipulate the colors to achieve flawless skin tones.

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