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Matthias Miethke

Createx airbrush artist

Soziale Medien

Born in 1974 in Brandenburg at the Havel and raised in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony.

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of colors, so it was clear to me that my favorite school subject would be art.

During my school days, the first bicycles were painted with spray cans and so in 1991 I made the decision to train as a body shop painter.

I succeeded so well in the journeyman’s examination to become a body shop painter in 1993 that I passed it with distinction and became a chamber of crafts winner.

I fulfilled my dream of becoming a master craftsman in body shop painting in 2004. Of course, I still work in this wonderful job and now train apprentices and master students, which I really enjoy.

In fact, it should take a while until 2016 before I used the airbrushe for the first time. The crucial point was getting to know an extremely talented airbrush artist. It was him who showed me the first steps and I am still very grateful to him for that. In the meantime it even became a real friendship.

From this day on I can’t be without my airbrush and it has become a real addiction to paint everything possible.

And that’s just right!