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Books and Magazines

Airbrush Magazines / Airbrush Books

Erste Hilfe Airbrush, Mathias Faber, 160 Pages, Language: German
What to do, if…? – This is what this book provides information on and gives you the needed certainty in trouble-shooting. Therefore large and little catastrophes while doing airbrush are described and save solution approaches are shown. Knowing sources of error will help you to solve a problem in a twinkle so you can assure your airbrush equipment is ready at any time.
0.0 EUR
*Fingernagel-Design & Tattoos mit Airbrush, Peter Tronser, 32 Pages, Language: German
Turn yourself and others into party animals. The new body cult of using airbrushes to style nails and skin effectively and removably is on the rise. The step-by-step instructions and many colorful examples show you in detail how to do it.
0.0 EUR
*Airbrush-Torten Dekorieren mit der Spritzpistole, Cassie Brown, 100 Pages, incl. Motif- and Design Templates, Language: German
Sugarcraft specialist Cassie Brown shows you how to use your airbrush to decorate showstopping cakes. Containing full instructions on the tools, materials and techniques you need to produce your own sumptuous works of cake craft, you will be inspired by the range of results you can use any airbrush to achieve.

Instructions for ten cakes, suitable for all skill levels, are illustrated by clear step-by-step pictures showing just how Cassie achieves her results. From fun space cakes for children’s parties to a breathtaking wedding cake decorated with delicate sugarcraft flowers, this book will unlock your baking and decorating potential.
0.0 EUR
*Custom Painting, Roger Hassler, 100 Pages, Language: German
The "Custom Painting Practice Book for Beginners" is aimed at airbrush beginners who have already mastered the basics of the painting technique and now want to take their first steps into the world of vehicle and helmet painting, so-called "custom painting".

The theory section provides lots of tips and interesting facts about the special requirements of the substrate and materials as well as classic motifs and techniques such as flames and pinstriping.

In the practical section, selected artists demonstrate their various custom painting techniques in 11 step-by-step instructions, including on hoods, helmets and motorcycle tanks.

0.0 EUR
*Airbrush-Training, Roger Hassler, 68 Pages, Language: German
From the first line exercises to complex Illustration: „Airbrush Training“ offers a carefully selected collection of step-by-step instructions which will help the airbrush beginner in the systematic development of knowledge and experience in working with the airbrush. In increasing degree of difficulty each design offers new challenges, advanced techniques and tricks.
0.0 EUR
*Luft und Pinsel – Mischtechnik Airbrush und Acryl, Georg Huber, 152 Pages, Language: German
The combination of the lively brushstrokes of acrylic painting with the delicate color gradients from the airbrush gun opens up many creative possibilities and at the same time represents an exciting challenge for the artist. In this book, Georg Huber shows how the rigid boundaries between these two painting techniques can be dissolved and how their respective advantages can be optimally utilized for the artistic work.

0.0 EUR